Centre for Quantitative History

The Population History of China (1368–1953)

The Population History of China (1368–1953)


April 26, 2024


16:30 - 18:00


May Hall, HKU Campus



Speaker(s) / Presenter(s)

Shuji Cao

Senior Research Fellow


Join us for the highly anticipated book launch event celebrating the release of “The Population History of China (1368–1953)” by our Honorary Professor Shuji Cao. His newly released work offers a comprehensive exploration of China’s population figures, density, and changes from the Ming to the Qing Dynasty. As we celebrate the newly released book, Professor Cao will take this opportunity to announce his newly constructed ‘Database of County-level Population, Land Area, Land Tax, and Corvée Labour in China (Shandong) from 1368 to 1953’ during his presentation. Don’t miss the chance to be part of this intellectual engagement and insightful discussions on this significant contribution to the study of Chinese economic history.

誠摯歡迎您參加我們期待已久的新書發表會,一同慶祝我們的榮譽教授曹樹基所推出的 The Population History of China (1368–1953) 《中國人口史(1368-1953)》。這本新書徹底 探索了中國的人口數據、密度以及從明朝到清朝的變遷。在我們一同慶祝這本新書出版的同時,曹教授也將在這個場合發布他新建立的《1368-1953 年中國(山東)分縣人口、田畝、田賦、徭役數據庫》。絕對不能錯過這個難得的機會,一同參與這場智識交流和深入討論,一同探索對中國經濟史研究的重要貢獻。

Speaker: Shuji Cao 曹樹基教授, Honorary Professor, Hong Kong Institute for Humanities & Social Sciences
With discussant: William Guanglin Liu 劉光臨教授, Professor of History, Lingnan University



Program Rundown on Friday,  April 26, 2024
16:30Welcome Remarks by Institute Director Professor Zhiwu Chen
16:35Presentation by Professor Shuji Cao
17:30Panel Discussion with Professor William Guanglin Liu
17:50Q&A Session

The talk will be conducted in Mandarin Chinese (no translation will be provided)

About the Book
From 1368 to 1953, China’s administrative divisions were mainly composed of counties, prefectures, and provinces. This book shows the population figures, density, and changes in the provincial population in China during this period and population figures of each major city and town and its proportion in terms of the provincial population during this period―the urbanization rate. Data in this book is drawn partly from historical sources and partly from statistical-model-based calculations. The book also includes provincial population maps in 1393, and their original statistical models, population databases, and metadata.
本書是一本關於明清時期中國人口制度及中國人口數量變化的著作。本書給出了 1393、1580、1630、1680、1776、1850、1880、1910 和 1953 等 9 個年份的中國分府人口,以及 1393、1580、1776和 1910等 4個年份的分府城市人口。本書對於明清之際的人口死亡,以及清代後期因戰爭、旱災與流行病造成的人口死亡,均以府為單位,給予了詳細的描述並給出盡可能完整的統計數據。

More information: The Population History of China (1368–1953) | Brill

The work described in this paper was partially supported by a grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project Reference Number: AoE/B-704/22-R).

About the Quantitative History Book Launch Series
The Quantitative History Book Launch Series is a collaborative initiative jointly organized with the HK Institute for Humanities & Social Sciences.