An Economic History of India: Growth, Income and Inequalities from the Mughals to the 21st Century
As part of the Quantitative History Book Launch Series, this public lecture unveils a significant new economic history of India spanning from the reign of Akbar in the sixteenth century to its post-independence integration into the global economy.
Cliodynamics of End Times: Elites, Counter-Elites and the Path of Political Disintegration
Social and political turbulence in the United States and Western Europe has been rising over the past decade. The research by Peter Turchin of Complexity Science Hub Vienna, which combines analysis of historical data with the tools of complexity science, has identified the deep structural forces that work to undermine societal stability and resilience to internal and external shocks.
The Population History of China (1368–1953)
Book Launch 新書發佈 | The Population History of China (1368–1953) by Shuji Cao 曹樹基教授以普通話主講 (Honorary Professor, IHSS, HKU)
Labor Coercion and Trade: Evidence from Colonial Indonesia
New Crops and Old States: Economic Productivity and State Capacity in Historical China
New Crops and Old States: Economic Productivity and State Capacity in Historical China by Clair Z. Yang (University of Washington).
晚清徽州農工中的性別與身份——以黟縣汪氏賬簿為核心的研究 Examining the Gender and Identity of Agricultural Workers in Late Qing Anhui: A Study Using the Wang Family Account Book from Yi County
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