Centre for Quantitative History

State Snapshot Process Discovery on Career Paths of Qing Dynasty Civil Servants

State Snapshot Process Discovery on Career Paths of Qing Dynasty Civil Servants

Cameron Campbell, Adam Burke (Queensland University of Technology), Sander J.J. Leemans(RWTH Aachen), Moe T. Wynn(Queensland University ofTechnology)
Published Date
Published Date
October 1, 2023
Master Category
Research Cluster
State Capacity, Institutions and Development
2023 5th International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM)

In process mining, extensive data about an organizational process is summarized by a formal mathematical model with well-grounded semantics. In recent years a number of successful algorithms have been developed that output Petri nets, and other related formalisms, from input event logs, as a way of describing process control flows. Such formalisms are inherently constrained when reasoning about the probabilities of the underlying organizational process, as they do not explicitly model probability. Accordingly, this paper introduces a framework for automatically discovering stochastic process models, in the form of Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets. We instantiate this Toothpaste Miner framework and introduce polynomial-time batch and incremental algorithms based on reduction rules. These algorithms do not depend on a preceding control-flow model. We show the algorithms terminate and maintain a deterministic model once found. An implementation and evaluation also demonstrate feasibility.



Adam Burke (Queensland University of Technology), Sander J.J. Leemans(RWTH Aachen), Moe T. Wynn(Queensland University ofTechnology)